The main thought is to feed chemical-free(organic) food to the world. The farmers associated with us perform wisely and follow the cultivation process set by us, are getting a yield of both quality and quantity and indeed the monetary benefits.
We follow a complete approach in Contract Farming where we make a formal agreement with a batch of farmers who shall organically grow the crops and sell to us at pre-decided costs. Our experienced team will give them a technical way-how to cultivate the crops, and a trained executive will help farmers in crop management at every stage. This will give complete help to farmers to maximize the yield to achieve more financial benefits without stepping out to sell their crops like in regular market practice. Our motto is to cultivate the crops organically with "QUALITY & QUANTITY".
Kings Platinum City
Kings Platinum City
Sri Samskara Eco Infra
We believe in long-term relationships with the clients, we maintain a transparent and commercially possible contract considering the market price & demand, that will be satisfactory for the farmers. We honor our quoted terms and commitments and expect the same in return from the farmers. While we get an assured market for the farmer, a farmer should focus on :
The yield of the crop; more is cheerful. Proportionally farmers shall get more income.
The farmer will grow in a harmony to the predefined clear-cut.
Soil is the backbone of our food security. Without healthy soils, farmers wouldn't be able to provide us with feed, fiber, food, and fuel. 2. Just like how a foundation for a home is critical, healthy soils act as a foundation for plants by supporting plant roots and keeping plants upright for growth.
Every human dreams of life in nature and wants to eat good - Yes, here is an opportunity to make dreams into reality by organic farming. Everyone knows the answer that it is possible by having farmland in Sri Samskara. Living is the only answer, but it’s not easy living off-spring, because it not only involves our investment but time and knowledge also play a role.Of course, we can't leave and live our complete life in farmhouses. Due to our situations, economics, urban lifestyle, kids education, and the attractions of urban lifestyle will not easily allow you to leave many advantages of urban living and achieve this dream, so these all made many fail to live their dream.Now all heard and understood by SRI SAMSKARA ECO INFRA with a possible solution with their latest off-grid community. Where one can live and cultivate farmland with their dream without much effort and secure a healthy lifestyle where one can stay, work, grow, and achieve fruitful life.